
I wish I knew how to quit you.

Dear Muse, I cannot give up on you. I cannot quit. I cannot simply stop loving you and move on. I cannot stop believing in the magic that love is. I cannot stop keeping faith in coincidences and conspiracies that introduced us to each other. And that's not because I'm madly in love with you and I do not know how to quit you and I wrote poems for you in the process of loving you more and more or because you came into my life and enchanted me with the spell called 'you' at that time in my life when I was disenchanted with everything and everyone else. I'm not doing it for me. I'm not doing it because I believe in the 'possibility of 'us''. I'm doing it for this world. I'll go through all the suffering and all the pain that I'll have to just because of this world. For there's already so much hatred and cruelty prevailing in this world and only love can become the light of hope. It is only love which is holding this world together

India's Rape Culture

My opinion about India’s rape culture might sound like an unpopular one owing to the fact that we are all hypocrites here. We all live in a constant denial about everything close to reality, and like to lay the blame on something else rather than admitting what is really wrong with us and our society. I see people demanding more and more severe punishment for the rapists all the time. They think that capital punishment, and more strict laws would be able to reduce the number of rapes happening in the country or even stop it altogether. To be very frank, I don’t think so. Have you ever seen even an iota of shame or remorse on the rapist’s face. No, you would not. On the contrary, rapists are often proud of what they did. Are rapists not aware of the fact that raping someone is a crime in the eyes of law? And moreover, a crime against humanity? Do they not know the amount of pain and trauma a rape victim has to suffer? Believe it or not, every rapist knows all of this. And all of them mu

I feel happy like a human.

O, Who am I kidding? I ain't getting any sleep. This ain't getting any better. Why tf am I even trying? It might not be night outside but it's all dark in here. It's all dark in my mind. There's no light at the end of the tunnel. I doubt if this tunnel is ever going to end. Or if I would make it till the end. What are all these emotions I've started to feel all of a sudden? I think I've lost all my superpowers. I'm becoming a human like everyone else. I've never missed anyone or anything. I've never been nostalgic. I've never felt attached to anyone or anything. I've never cared to be with anyone. I was born a lonely man and I was destined to be that way all my life. I cannot fathom why have I started to yearn to have someone around me all of a sudden. Why have I started to miss all those people I once didn't even bother to care about? I cannot fathom if all these emotions that I've started to feel lately are even bad or not. 

I feel sad like the Batman.

These days I'm not very happy. I do not know how I feel but this feeling is not happiness for sure. I've known this fact that I'll spend a lonely life and I had made peace with it but now all of the sudden I'm no more happy about it. I'm no more at peace. I'm feel intimidated. Intimidated from this loneliness. I don't want to be this way. I feel like I'm being betrayed, betrayed by my own self. I've never been a hopeless person but now I feel hopeless all the time. This is all around me. Why'd anyone want to end up being all alone in his life? No one wants to be lonely. Neither me nor anyone else. We all are just trying to deal with this eternal loneliness we've trapped ourselves into. I feel trapped and suffocating. All the time. My life is perfect like it has always been. I'm surrounded with good people, good food, and everything I like but I don't like this. I feel like I'm incomplete and I'll remain incomplete all my life.

Insight and Conscience

When we Indians saw a film like "Lipstick Under My Burkha", we all first laughed during the film as if it was some ridiculous fantasy film that has no connection to reality whatsoever and then rejected it by saying that it's just an erotica, and nothing sort of feminist - not by any manner of means. It's not the comprehension that we lack. No, we all pretty much have that (or at least we claim to have). What we, the all of us, actually lack is insight to see things keeping our privileges aside and conscience to admit that such things are actually happening everywhere, even in our own homes, in our societies, and instead of doing this, what we do is to offer sheer indifference and ignorance, towards anything and everything. When we saw an elderly woman having sexual desires in the movie, we just couldn't digest it because we had never thought of anything like that. We've never had the insight to see into a woman's mind or life and know that she could also

I'm Batman.

Being the absurdist that I'm and have always been, I always knew that even if this life has some meaning, I would never be able to find it. It's not like death fascinates me. No, death doesn't fascinates me at all. It's just the life that doesn't excites me anymore (or has never excited at all). I somehow always knew that no matter how hard I try I'd eventually end up being lonely. You can never be sure about anything because as they say, "you never know!", but somewhere deep down in me, I have had this belief and it's a firm belief that I'll die alone and as the time has passed, I've trained myself to embrace this loneliness and live with it peacefully. Now it's like me and my loneliness are living together and we both are very happy with everything that's happening around us. People, at times, tend to think that I might have been heartbroken in love in the past or might be going through a rough break up. This is not true at al

My First Post

Hello Everyone!